Today is National Global Human Trafficking Awareness Day (NGHTAD), a a day of awareness and vigilance for the countless victims of human trafficking across the globe. Yet President Obama announced that this year, and every year hence forth, January will be known as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month (White House).
Therefore use this day and month to take action, promote awareness, and support those who have been victimized by modern slavery. Make this the day that you fight to end a global plague that has stolen the freedoms of some 27 million men, women and children. Be it via the internet or in your own city/town/village across the world, make today a day to remember those who have been victimized by modern slavery and who are unable to govern their own lives. We have it in our power to see that future generations of children are no longer at risk for exploration and slavery. Let us unite to end slavery in our lifetime.
- There are some 27 million people held in slavery today across the globe.
- According to 2009 State Department Trafficking in Persons Report over 80% of those trans-nationally trafficked are women and children.
- The U.S. State department estimates that some 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders each year and about 80 percent of them are female and at least 50% are children.
- In 1850 a slave in the Southern United States cost the equivalent of $40,000 today. According to Free the Slaves, a slave today costs an average of $90.
*The awareness poster is available for free download via Bridge to Freedom Foundation, please see there site to download this poster as well as their two other awareness posters.
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