Welcome to the Bridge to Freedom Foundation Blog

Thank you for visiting the Bridge to Freedom Foundation (BTFF) blog, where we look forward to bringing you inside information on the inner-workings of BTFF, inside information on our volunteer team and leadership, in-depth coverage of BTFF and partner events, news and happenings from across the globe and so much more.

Learn more about Bridge to Freedom Foundation and how you can help on the BTFF website. We do hope you will subscribe to and follow our blog and please e-mail us at blog@btff.org if you have any feedback, ideas or contributions.

Thank you for your support!
Cassandra Clifford
Executive Director and Founder of BTFF

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ask the Founder & Executive Director

What have you found the biggest hurdle in starting an organization up from scratch?  

For me the biggest hurdle was making the jump to do it, the idea was there it was forged, I knew it was a good one and I just needed to move it from an idea to a reality.  The scary part was making the commitment to do it, as once you jump there is no return.   I'm every day I’m glad I did it; no matter how hard it is, I made that jump...there is no reason for me to ever look back.  It’s not an easy decision to put your life out there and make the jump, it’s a life commitment, I am truly married to this fight, and to death do us part!

Do you have a question for Cassandra? Send your questions to blog@btff.org

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